My love of film has been a long standing one, truly beginning when I watched the pilot of the world's greatest unsolved mystery; Lost. Don't let that phase you, I was only about ten at the time, so it has been almost half my life. I'm sure I watched heaps before I became a Lostie, but nothing hit me as hard as that did. This blog is not concerned with my life on an enigmatic tropical island, though, for this blog I'm concerning myself with the televisual world; the best shows of now and then.
My first reviews, which I plan to add tonight, will be for the first episode of the third season of HBO's Boardwalk Empire, with the very first episode of the series itself being posted shortly after that. Something you may learn about me is that - though it is not diagnosed - I tend to have specific little things that I obsess over in a self-described autistic fervour. One such thing is that I refused to post a recap of a show without having reviewed every episode of it that came before. That means, when I begin posting my reviews for the fifth season of Fringe, I will have the eighty-six other episodes reviewed as well, though I'm not going to pump them all out in one sitting so that the blog seems up to date. I am up to date, and eventually so will 'Whatever Happened Happened'. But what this method does mean is that I will be posting recaps of Fringe a long time after the finale episode's aired, though I promise that I will post what I write about new episodes within one or two days of their first screening in Australia.
By the way, I do herald from the merry land of Oz, which means we receive many of the best shows months or even years after they've come to the States. Never come on here expecting to see me talking about advanced screenings or previews. I'm neither a professional critic, nor am I a particularly good one. To be entirely frank my desire to write these abominations stems from a more pressing need to watch far less television. By recapping or reviewing what I watch it significantly diminishes the amount of episodes that I can watch, which is always a good thing. I don't consider myself unhealthy or sedentary, but I don't want to get into a habit of lounging on the couch with my eyes glued to the idiot box for my every waking moment, and then some.
I am not a horrible person by nature, but I've found while writing these pieces, the knowing air of anonymity brings out the worst sides of me, evoking racism, sexism, bias, contempt, profanity, sexual and violent references, threats and generally barbarianism, which I normally don't bring up in a normal conversation. Try not to get offended, but note that I am writing these for myself, almost as a diary to maintain my sanity and keep my mind active now that school is over.
I feel it awkward to categorise what I write, as each is mostly a recap of what ever episode I'm talking about, with my own opinion thrown in haphazardly, but I've begun writing with no specific purpose or any predetermined plans for what I'm going to do or how I'm going to do it. While I might tend to write serious reviews of Homeland while providing in-depth recaps of Lost (these are examples, mind you), one day I might post my thoughts of an episode in which I simply scream obscenities at my least favourite character. This is my stream of consciousness, not a review or a recap or a summary or anything like that, even if I might call it that.
In the near future I hope to start reviewing Lost, of course, as well as new series' Revolution and 666 Park Avenue, along with continuing shows Boardwalk Empire, Homeland, Fringe, The Vampire Diaries and the Walking Dead. This list will most likely increase or fluctuate as time goes on, but for now this is my only plan; to write about the episodes of these shows. So my friends, enjoy my ramblings, and don't let my foul mouth get to you.
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